
 * Copyright (C) 2014-2017, Stichting Mapcode Foundation (http://www.mapcode.com)
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.mapcode;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.*;

import static com.mapcode.CheckArgs.checkNonnull;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mapcode public interface.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * This class defines the available territory codes as used by mapcode.
public enum Territory {
    USA(410, "USA", null, null, new String[]{"US"}, new String[]{"United States of America", "America"}),
    IND(407, "India", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.BENGALI, Alphabet.ROMAN}, null, new String[]{"IN"}),
    CAN(495, "Canada", null, null, new String[]{"CA"}),
    AUS(408, "Australia", null, null, new String[]{"AU"}),
    MEX(411, "Mexico", null, null, new String[]{"MX"}),
    BRA(409, "Brazil", null, null, new String[]{"BR"}),
    RUS(496, "Russia", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, null, new String[]{"RU"}),
    CHN(528, "China", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, null, new String[]{"CN"}),
    ATA(531, "Antarctica"),

    VAT(0, "Vatican City", null, null, null, new String[]{"Holy See"}),
    MCO(1, "Monaco"),
    GIB(2, "Gibraltar"),
    TKL(3, "Tokelau"),
    CCK(4, "Cocos Islands", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.ARABIC}, null, new String[]{"AU-CC", "AUS-CC"}, new String[]{"Keeling Islands"}),
    BLM(5, "Saint-Barthelemy"),
    NRU(6, "Nauru"),
    TUV(7, "Tuvalu"),
    MAC(8, "Macau", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, null, new String[]{"CN-92", "CHN-92", "CN-MC", "CHN-MC"}, new String[]{"Aomen"}),
    SXM(9, "Sint Maarten"),
    MAF(10, "Saint-Martin"),
    NFK(11, "Norfolk and Philip Island", null, null, new String[]{"AU-NF", "AUS-NF"},
            new String[]{"Philip Island"}),
    PCN(12, "Pitcairn Islands"),
    BVT(13, "Bouvet Island"),
    BMU(14, "Bermuda"),
    IOT(15, "British Indian Ocean Territory", null, null, new String[]{"DGA"}),
    SMR(16, "San Marino"),
    GGY(17, "Guernsey"),
    AIA(18, "Anguilla"),
    MSR(19, "Montserrat"),
    JEY(20, "Jersey"),
    CXR(21, "Christmas Island", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, null, new String[]{"AU-CX", "AUS-CX"}),
    WLF(22, "Wallis and Futuna", null, null, null, new String[]{"Futuna"}),
    VGB(23, "British Virgin Islands", null, null, null, new String[]{"Virgin Islands, British"}),
    LIE(24, "Liechtenstein"),
    ABW(25, "Aruba"),
    MHL(26, "Marshall Islands", null, null, new String[]{"WAK"}),
    ASM(27, "American Samoa", null, null, new String[]{"US-AS", "USA-AS"}, new String[]{"Samoa, American"}),
    COK(28, "Cook islands"),
    SPM(29, "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", null, null, null, new String[]{"Miquelon"}),
    NIU(30, "Niue"),
    KNA(31, "Saint Kitts and Nevis", null, null, null, new String[]{"Nevis"}),
    CYM(32, "Cayman islands"),
    BES(33, "Bonaire, St Eustasuis and Saba", null, null, null, new String[]{"Saba", "St Eustasius"}),
    MDV(34, "Maldives", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.THAANA, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    SHN(35, "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha", null, null, new String[]{"TAA", "ASC"},
            new String[]{"Ascension", "Tristan da Cunha"}),
    MLT(36, "Malta"),
    GRD(37, "Grenada"),
    VIR(38, "US Virgin Islands", null, null, new String[]{"US-VI", "USA-VI"}, new String[]{"Virgin Islands, US"}),
    MYT(39, "Mayotte", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.ARABIC}),
    SJM(40, "Svalbard and Jan Mayen", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.CYRILLIC}, null, null, new String[]{"Jan Mayen", "Spitsbergen"}),
    VCT(41, "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", null, null, null, new String[]{"Grenadines"}),
    HMD(42, "Heard Island and McDonald Islands", null, null, new String[]{"AU-HM", "AUS-HM"},
            new String[]{"McDonald Islands"}),
    BRB(43, "Barbados"),
    ATG(44, "Antigua and Barbuda", null, null, null, new String[]{"Barbuda"}),
    CUW(45, "Curacao"),
    SYC(46, "Seychelles"),
    PLW(47, "Palau"),
    MNP(48, "Northern Mariana Islands", null, null, new String[]{"US-MP", "USA-MP"}),
    AND(49, "Andorra"),
    GUM(50, "Guam", null, null, new String[]{"US-GU", "USA-GU"}),
    IMN(51, "Isle of Man"),
    LCA(52, "Saint Lucia"),
    FSM(53, "Micronesia", null, null, null, new String[]{"Federated States of Micronesia"}),
    SGP(54, "Singapore", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    TON(55, "Tonga"),
    DMA(56, "Dominica"),
    BHR(57, "Bahrain", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    KIR(58, "Kiribati"),
    TCA(59, "Turks and Caicos Islands", null, null, null, new String[]{"Caicos Islands"}),
    STP(60, "Sao Tome and Principe", null, null, null, new String[]{"Principe"}),
    HKG(61, "Hong Kong", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, null, new String[]{"CN-91", "CHN-91", "CN-HK", "CHN-HK"}, new String[]{"Xianggang"}),
    MTQ(62, "Martinique"),
    FRO(63, "Faroe Islands"),
    GLP(64, "Guadeloupe"),
    COM(65, "Comoros", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    MUS(66, "Mauritius"),
    REU(67, "Reunion"),
    LUX(68, "Luxembourg"),
    WSM(69, "Samoa"),
    SGS(70, "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", null, null, null, new String[]{"South Sandwich Islands"}),
    PYF(71, "French Polynesia"),
    CPV(72, "Cape Verde"),
    TTO(73, "Trinidad and Tobago", null, null, null, new String[]{"Tobago"}),
    BRN(74, "Brunei", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    ATF(75, "French Southern and Antarctic Lands"),
    PRI(76, "Puerto Rico", null, null, new String[]{"US-PR", "USA-PR"}),
    CYP(77, "Cyprus", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.GREEK, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    LBN(78, "Lebanon", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    JAM(79, "Jamaica"),
    GMB(80, "Gambia"),
    QAT(81, "Qatar", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    FLK(82, "Falkland Islands"),
    VUT(83, "Vanuatu"),
    MNE(84, "Montenegro", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    BHS(85, "Bahamas"),
    TLS(86, "East Timor", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.ARABIC}),
    SWZ(87, "Swaziland"),
    KWT(88, "Kuwait", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    FJI(89, "Fiji Islands", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.DEVANAGARI}),
    NCL(90, "New Caledonia"),
    SVN(91, "Slovenia"),
    ISR(92, "Israel", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.HEBREW, Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    PSE(93, "Palestinian territory", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.HEBREW, Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    SLV(94, "El Salvador"),
    BLZ(95, "Belize"),
    DJI(96, "Djibouti", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    MKD(97, "Macedonia", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    RWA(98, "Rwanda"),
    HTI(99, "Haiti"),
    BDI(100, "Burundi"),
    GNQ(101, "Equatorial Guinea"),
    ALB(102, "Albania"),
    SLB(103, "Solomon Islands"),
    ARM(104, "Armenia", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARMENIAN, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    LSO(105, "Lesotho"),
    BEL(106, "Belgium"),
    MDA(107, "Moldova", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    GNB(108, "Guinea-Bissau"),
    TWN(109, "Taiwan", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, null, new String[]{"CN-71", "CHN-71", "CN-TW", "CHN-TW"}),
    BTN(110, "Bhutan", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.TIBETAN, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    CHE(111, "Switzerland"),
    NLD(112, "Netherlands"),
    DNK(113, "Denmark"),
    EST(114, "Estonia", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    DOM(115, "Dominican Republic"),
    SVK(116, "Slovakia"),
    CRI(117, "Costa Rica"),
    BIH(118, "Bosnia and Herzegovina", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.CYRILLIC}),
    HRV(119, "Croatia", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.CYRILLIC}),
    TGO(120, "Togo"),
    LVA(121, "Latvia", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    LTU(122, "Lithuania", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    LKA(123, "Sri Lanka", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.SINHALESE, Alphabet.TAMIL, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    GEO(124, "Georgia", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.GEORGIAN, Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    IRL(125, "Ireland"),
    SLE(126, "Sierra Leone"),
    PAN(127, "Panama"),
    CZE(128, "Czech Republic"),
    GUF(129, "French Guiana"),
    ARE(130, "United Arab Emirates", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    AUT(131, "Austria"),
    AZE(132, "Azerbaijan", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ARABIC}),
    SRB(133, "Serbia", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    JOR(134, "Jordan", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    PRT(135, "Portugal"),
    HUN(136, "Hungary"),
    KOR(137, "South Korea", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.KOREAN, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    ISL(138, "Iceland"),
    GTM(139, "Guatemala"),
    CUB(140, "Cuba"),
    BGR(141, "Bulgaria", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    LBR(142, "Liberia"),
    HND(143, "Honduras"),
    BEN(144, "Benin"),
    ERI(145, "Eritrea", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.AMHARIC, Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    MWI(146, "Malawi"),
    PRK(147, "North Korea", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.KOREAN, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    NIC(148, "Nicaragua"),
    GRC(149, "Greece", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.GREEK, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    TJK(150, "Tajikistan", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    BGD(151, "Bangladesh", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.BENGALI, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    NPL(152, "Nepal", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    TUN(153, "Tunisia", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.TIFINAGH}),
    SUR(154, "Suriname"),
    URY(155, "Uruguay"),
    KHM(156, "Cambodia", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.KHMER, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    SYR(157, "Syria", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    SEN(158, "Senegal"),
    KGZ(159, "Kyrgyzstan", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    BLR(160, "Belarus", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    GUY(161, "Guyana"),
    LAO(162, "Laos", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.LAO, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    ROU(163, "Romania", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    GHA(164, "Ghana"),
    UGA(165, "Uganda"),
    GBR(166, "United Kingdom", null, null, null,
            new String[]{"Scotland", "Great Britain", "Northern Ireland", "Ireland, Northern"}),
    GIN(167, "Guinea"),
    ECU(168, "Ecuador"),
    ESH(169, "Western Sahara", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, null, null, new String[]{"Sahrawi"}),
    GAB(170, "Gabon"),
    NZL(171, "New Zealand"),
    BFA(172, "Burkina Faso"),
    PHL(173, "Philippines"),
    ITA(174, "Italy"),
    OMN(175, "Oman", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    POL(176, "Poland"),
    CIV(177, "Ivory Coast"),
    NOR(178, "Norway"),
    MYS(179, "Malaysia", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.CHINESE}),
    VNM(180, "Vietnam"),
    FIN(181, "Finland"),
    COG(182, "Congo-Brazzaville"),
    DEU(183, "Germany"),
    JPN(184, "Japan", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.KATAKANA, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    ZWE(185, "Zimbabwe"),
    PRY(186, "Paraguay"),
    IRQ(187, "Iraq", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    MAR(188, "Morocco", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.TIFINAGH}),
    UZB(189, "Uzbekistan", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    SWE(190, "Sweden"),
    PNG(191, "Papua New Guinea"),
    CMR(192, "Cameroon"),
    TKM(193, "Turkmenistan", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    ESP(194, "Spain"),
    THA(195, "Thailand", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.THAI, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    YEM(196, "Yemen", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    FRA(197, "France"),
    ALA(198, "Aaland Islands"),
    KEN(199, "Kenya"),
    BWA(200, "Botswana"),
    MDG(201, "Madagascar"),
    UKR(202, "Ukraine", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    SSD(203, "South Sudan", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.ARABIC}),
    CAF(204, "Central African Republic"),
    SOM(205, "Somalia", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    AFG(206, "Afghanistan", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    MMR(207, "Myanmar", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.BURMESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, null, null, new String[]{"Burma"}),
    ZMB(208, "Zambia"),
    CHL(209, "Chile"),
    TUR(210, "Turkey"),
    PAK(211, "Pakistan", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.GURMUKHI, Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    MOZ(212, "Mozambique"),
    NAM(213, "Namibia"),
    VEN(214, "Venezuela"),
    NGA(215, "Nigeria", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.ARABIC}),
    TZA(216, "Tanzania"),
    EGY(217, "Egypt", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    MRT(218, "Mauritania", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    BOL(219, "Bolivia"),
    ETH(220, "Ethiopia", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.AMHARIC, Alphabet.ARABIC}),
    COL(221, "Colombia"),
    ZAF(222, "South Africa"),
    MLI(223, "Mali"),
    AGO(224, "Angola"),
    NER(225, "Niger"),
    TCD(226, "Chad", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    PER(227, "Peru"),
    MNG(228, "Mongolia", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    IRN(229, "Iran", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    LBY(230, "Libya", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.TIFINAGH}),
    SDN(231, "Sudan", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    IDN(232, "Indonesia"),
    MX_DIF(233, "Federal District", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-DF"}),
    MX_TLA(234, "Tlaxcala", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-TL"}),
    MX_MOR(235, "Morelos", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-MO"}),
    MX_AGU(236, "Aguascalientes", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-AG"}),
    MX_CL(237, "Colima", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-COL"}),
    MX_QUE(238, "Queretaro", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-QE"}),
    MX_HID(239, "Hidalgo", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-HG"}),
    MX_MX(240, "Mexico State", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-ME", "MX-MEX"}),
    MX_TAB(241, "Tabasco", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-TB"}),
    MX_NAY(242, "Nayarit", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-NA"}),
    MX_GUA(243, "Guanajuato", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-GT"}),
    MX_PUE(244, "Puebla", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-PB"}),
    MX_YUC(245, "Yucatan", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-YU"}),
    MX_ROO(246, "Quintana Roo", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-QR"}),
    MX_SIN(247, "Sinaloa", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-SI"}),
    MX_CAM(248, "Campeche", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-CM"}),
    MX_MIC(249, "Michoacan", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-MI"}),
    MX_SLP(250, "San Luis Potosi", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-SL"}),
    MX_GRO(251, "Guerrero", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-GR"}),
    MX_NLE(252, "Nuevo Leon", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-NL"}),
    MX_BCN(253, "Baja California", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-BC"}),
    MX_VER(254, "Veracruz", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-VE"}),
    MX_CHP(255, "Chiapas", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-CS"}),
    MX_BCS(256, "Baja California Sur", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-BS"}),
    MX_ZAC(257, "Zacatecas", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-ZA"}),
    MX_JAL(258, "Jalisco", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-JA"}),
    MX_TAM(259, "Tamaulipas", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-TM"}),
    MX_OAX(260, "Oaxaca", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-OA"}),
    MX_DUR(261, "Durango", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-DG"}),
    MX_COA(262, "Coahuila", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-CO"}),
    MX_SON(263, "Sonora", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-SO"}),
    MX_CHH(264, "Chihuahua", null, MEX, new String[]{"MX-CH"}),
    GRL(265, "Greenland"),
    SAU(266, "Saudi Arabia", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    COD(267, "Congo-Kinshasa"),
    DZA(268, "Algeria", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ARABIC, Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.TIFINAGH}),
    KAZ(269, "Kazakhstan", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}),
    ARG(270, "Argentina"),
    IN_DD(271, "Daman and Diu", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.GUJARATI, Alphabet.ROMAN}, IND),
    IN_DN(272, "Dadra and Nagar Haveli", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.GUJARATI, Alphabet.ROMAN}, IND),
    IN_CH(273, "Chandigarh", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.GURMUKHI}, IND),
    IN_AN(274, "Andaman and Nicobar", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.BENGALI}, IND),
    IN_LD(275, "Lakshadweep", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.MALAYALAM, Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.DEVANAGARI}, IND),
    IN_DL(276, "Delhi", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.GURMUKHI, Alphabet.ROMAN}, IND),
    IN_ML(277, "Meghalaya", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.DEVANAGARI}, IND),
    IN_NL(278, "Nagaland", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.DEVANAGARI}, IND),
    IN_MN(279, "Manipur", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.BENGALI, Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.ROMAN}, IND),
    IN_TR(280, "Tripura", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.BENGALI, Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.ROMAN}, IND),
    IN_MZ(281, "Mizoram", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.ROMAN}, IND),
    IN_SK(282, "Sikkim", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.ROMAN}, IND),
    IN_PB(283, "Punjab", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.GURMUKHI, Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.ROMAN}, IND),
    IN_HR(284, "Haryana", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.GURMUKHI, Alphabet.ROMAN}, IND),
    IN_AR(285, "Arunachal Pradesh", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.DEVANAGARI}, IND),
    IN_AS(286, "Assam", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.BENGALI, Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.DEVANAGARI}, IND),
    IN_BR(287, "Bihar", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.ROMAN}, IND),
    IN_UT(288, "Uttarakhand", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.ROMAN}, IND, new String[]{"IN-UK"}),
    IN_GA(289, "Goa", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.ROMAN}, IND),
    IN_KL(290, "Kerala", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.MALAYALAM, Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.DEVANAGARI}, IND),
    IN_TN(291, "Tamil Nadu", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.TAMIL, Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.ROMAN}, IND),
    IN_HP(292, "Himachal Pradesh", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.ROMAN}, IND),
    IN_JK(293, "Jammu and Kashmir", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.GURMUKHI, Alphabet.ROMAN}, IND),
    IN_CT(294, "Chhattisgarh", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.ROMAN}, IND, new String[]{"IN-CG"}),
    IN_JH(295, "Jharkhand", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.BENGALI, Alphabet.ROMAN}, IND),
    IN_KA(296, "Karnataka", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.KANNADA, Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.ROMAN}, IND),
    IN_RJ(297, "Rajasthan", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.ROMAN}, IND),
    IN_OR(298, "Odisha", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ODIA, Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.DEVANAGARI}, IND, new String[]{"IN-OD"}, new String[]{"Orissa"}),
    IN_GJ(299, "Gujarat", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.GUJARATI, Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.DEVANAGARI}, IND),
    IN_WB(300, "West Bengal", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.BENGALI, Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.DEVANAGARI}, IND),
    IN_MP(301, "Madhya Pradesh", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.ROMAN}, IND),
    IN_TG(302, "Telangana", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.TELUGU, Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.ROMAN}, IND),
    IN_AP(303, "Andhra Pradesh", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.TELUGU, Alphabet.ROMAN, Alphabet.DEVANAGARI}, IND),
    IN_MH(304, "Maharashtra", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.ROMAN}, IND),
    IN_UP(305, "Uttar Pradesh", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.DEVANAGARI, Alphabet.ROMAN}, IND),
    IN_PY(306, "Puducherry", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.MALAYALAM, Alphabet.TELUGU, Alphabet.DEVANAGARI}, IND),
    AU_NSW(307, "New South Wales", null, AUS),
    AU_ACT(308, "Australian Capital Territory", null, AUS),
    AU_JBT(309, "Jervis Bay Territory", null, AUS),
    AU_NT(310, "Northern Territory", null, AUS),
    AU_SA(311, "South Australia", null, AUS),
    AU_TAS(312, "Tasmania", null, AUS),
    AU_VIC(313, "Victoria", null, AUS),
    AU_WA(314, "Western Australia", null, AUS),
    AU_QLD(315, "Queensland", null, AUS),
    BR_DF(316, "Distrito Federal", null, BRA),
    BR_SE(317, "Sergipe", null, BRA),
    BR_AL(318, "Alagoas", null, BRA),
    BR_RJ(319, "Rio de Janeiro", null, BRA),
    BR_ES(320, "Espirito Santo", null, BRA),
    BR_RN(321, "Rio Grande do Norte", null, BRA),
    BR_PB(322, "Paraiba", null, BRA),
    BR_SC(323, "Santa Catarina", null, BRA),
    BR_PE(324, "Pernambuco", null, BRA),
    BR_AP(325, "Amapa", null, BRA),
    BR_CE(326, "Ceara", null, BRA),
    BR_AC(327, "Acre", null, BRA),
    BR_PR(328, "Parana", null, BRA),
    BR_RR(329, "Roraima", null, BRA),
    BR_RO(330, "Rondonia", null, BRA),
    BR_SP(331, "Sao Paulo", null, BRA),
    BR_PI(332, "Piaui", null, BRA),
    BR_TO(333, "Tocantins", null, BRA),
    BR_RS(334, "Rio Grande do Sul", null, BRA),
    BR_MA(335, "Maranhao", null, BRA),
    BR_GO(336, "Goias", null, BRA),
    BR_MS(337, "Mato Grosso do Sul", null, BRA),
    BR_BA(338, "Bahia", null, BRA),
    BR_MG(339, "Minas Gerais", null, BRA),
    BR_MT(340, "Mato Grosso", null, BRA),
    BR_PA(341, "Para", null, BRA),
    BR_AM(342, "Amazonas", null, BRA),
    US_DC(343, "District of Columbia", null, USA),
    US_RI(344, "Rhode Island", null, USA),
    US_DE(345, "Delaware", null, USA),
    US_CT(346, "Connecticut", null, USA),
    US_NJ(347, "New Jersey", null, USA),
    US_NH(348, "New Hampshire", null, USA),
    US_VT(349, "Vermont", null, USA),
    US_MA(350, "Massachusetts", null, USA),
    US_HI(351, "Hawaii", null, USA, new String[]{"US-MID"}),
    US_MD(352, "Maryland", null, USA),
    US_WV(353, "West Virginia", null, USA),
    US_SC(354, "South Carolina", null, USA),
    US_ME(355, "Maine", null, USA),
    US_IN(356, "Indiana", null, USA),
    US_KY(357, "Kentucky", null, USA),
    US_TN(358, "Tennessee", null, USA),
    US_VA(359, "Virginia", null, USA),
    US_OH(360, "Ohio", null, USA),
    US_PA(361, "Pennsylvania", null, USA),
    US_MS(362, "Mississippi", null, USA),
    US_LA(363, "Louisiana", null, USA),
    US_AL(364, "Alabama", null, USA),
    US_AR(365, "Arkansas", null, USA),
    US_NC(366, "North Carolina", null, USA),
    US_NY(367, "New York", null, USA),
    US_IA(368, "Iowa", null, USA),
    US_IL(369, "Illinois", null, USA),
    US_GA(370, "Georgia", null, USA),
    US_WI(371, "Wisconsin", null, USA),
    US_FL(372, "Florida", null, USA),
    US_MO(373, "Missouri", null, USA),
    US_OK(374, "Oklahoma", null, USA),
    US_ND(375, "North Dakota", null, USA),
    US_WA(376, "Washington", null, USA),
    US_SD(377, "South Dakota", null, USA),
    US_NE(378, "Nebraska", null, USA),
    US_KS(379, "Kansas", null, USA),
    US_ID(380, "Idaho", null, USA),
    US_UT(381, "Utah", null, USA),
    US_MN(382, "Minnesota", null, USA),
    US_MI(383, "Michigan", null, USA),
    US_WY(384, "Wyoming", null, USA),
    US_OR(385, "Oregon", null, USA),
    US_CO(386, "Colorado", null, USA),
    US_NV(387, "Nevada", null, USA),
    US_AZ(388, "Arizona", null, USA),
    US_NM(389, "New Mexico", null, USA),
    US_MT(390, "Montana", null, USA),
    US_CA(391, "California", null, USA),
    US_TX(392, "Texas", null, USA),
    US_AK(393, "Alaska", null, USA),
    CA_BC(394, "British Columbia", null, CAN),
    CA_AB(395, "Alberta", null, CAN),
    CA_ON(396, "Ontario", null, CAN),
    CA_QC(397, "Quebec", null, CAN),
    CA_SK(398, "Saskatchewan", null, CAN),
    CA_MB(399, "Manitoba", null, CAN),
    CA_NL(400, "Newfoundland", null, CAN),
    CA_NB(401, "New Brunswick", null, CAN),
    CA_NS(402, "Nova Scotia", null, CAN),
    CA_PE(403, "Prince Edward Island", null, CAN),
    CA_YT(404, "Yukon", null, CAN),
    CA_NT(405, "Northwest Territories", null, CAN),
    CA_NU(406, "Nunavut", null, CAN),
    RU_MOW(412, "Moscow", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_SPE(413, "Saint Petersburg", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_KGD(414, "Kaliningrad Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_IN(415, "Ingushetia Republic", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_AD(416, "Adygea Republic", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_SE(417, "North Ossetia-Alania Republic", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_KB(418, "Kabardino-Balkar Republic", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_KC(419, "Karachay-Cherkess Republic", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_CE(420, "Chechen Republic", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_CU(421, "Chuvash Republic", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_IVA(422, "Ivanovo Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_LIP(423, "Lipetsk Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_ORL(424, "Oryol Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_TUL(425, "Tula Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_BE(426, "Belgorod Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS, new String[]{"RU-BEL"}),
    RU_VLA(427, "Vladimir Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_KRS(428, "Kursk Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_KLU(429, "Kaluga Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_TT(430, "Tambov Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS, new String[]{"RU-TAM"}),
    RU_BRY(431, "Bryansk Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_YAR(432, "Yaroslavl Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_RYA(433, "Ryazan Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_AST(434, "Astrakhan Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_MOS(435, "Moscow Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_SMO(436, "Smolensk Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_DA(437, "Dagestan Republic", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_VOR(438, "Voronezh Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_NGR(439, "Novgorod Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_PSK(440, "Pskov Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_KOS(441, "Kostroma Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_STA(442, "Stavropol Krai", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_KDA(443, "Krasnodar Krai", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_KL(444, "Kalmykia Republic", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_TVE(445, "Tver Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_LEN(446, "Leningrad Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_ROS(447, "Rostov Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_VGG(448, "Volgograd Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_VLG(449, "Vologda Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_MUR(450, "Murmansk Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_KR(451, "Karelia Republic", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_NEN(452, "Nenets Autonomous Okrug", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_KO(453, "Komi Republic", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_ARK(454, "Arkhangelsk Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_MO(455, "Mordovia Republic", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_NIZ(456, "Nizhny Novgorod Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_PNZ(457, "Penza Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_KI(458, "Kirov Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS, new String[]{"RU-KIR"}),
    RU_ME(459, "Mari El Republic", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_ORE(460, "Orenburg Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_ULY(461, "Ulyanovsk Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_PM(462, "Perm Krai", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS, new String[]{"RU-PER"}),
    RU_BA(463, "Bashkortostan Republic", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_UD(464, "Udmurt Republic", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_TA(465, "Tatarstan Republic", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_SAM(466, "Samara Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_SAR(467, "Saratov Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_YAN(468, "Yamalo-Nenets", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_KM(469, "Khanty-Mansi", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS, new String[]{"RU-KHM"}),
    RU_SVE(470, "Sverdlovsk Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_TYU(471, "Tyumen Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_KGN(472, "Kurgan Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_CH(473, "Chelyabinsk Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS, new String[]{"RU-CHE"}),
    RU_BU(474, "Buryatia Republic", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_ZAB(475, "Zabaykalsky Krai", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_IRK(476, "Irkutsk Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_NVS(477, "Novosibirsk Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_TOM(478, "Tomsk Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_OMS(479, "Omsk Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_KK(480, "Khakassia Republic", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_KEM(481, "Kemerovo Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_AL(482, "Altai Republic", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_ALT(483, "Altai Krai", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_TY(484, "Tuva Republic", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_KYA(485, "Krasnoyarsk Krai", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_MAG(486, "Magadan Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_CHU(487, "Chukotka Okrug", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_KAM(488, "Kamchatka Krai", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_SAK(489, "Sakhalin Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_PO(490, "Primorsky Krai", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS, new String[]{"RU-PRI"}),
    RU_YEV(491, "Jewish Autonomous Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_KHA(492, "Khabarovsk Krai", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_AMU(493, "Amur Oblast", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS),
    RU_SA(494, "Sakha Republic", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CYRILLIC, Alphabet.ROMAN}, RUS, null, new String[]{"Yakutia Republic"}),
    CN_SH(497, "Shanghai", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-31"}),
    CN_TJ(498, "Tianjin", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-12"}),
    CN_BJ(499, "Beijing", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-11"}),
    CN_HI(500, "Hainan", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-46"}),
    CN_NX(501, "Ningxia Hui", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-64"}),
    CN_CQ(502, "Chongqing", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-50"}),
    CN_ZJ(503, "Zhejiang", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-33"}),
    CN_JS(504, "Jiangsu", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-32"}),
    CN_FJ(505, "Fujian", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-35"}),
    CN_AH(506, "Anhui", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-34"}),
    CN_LN(507, "Liaoning", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-21"}),
    CN_SD(508, "Shandong", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-37"}),
    CN_SX(509, "Shanxi", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-14"}),
    CN_JX(510, "Jiangxi", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-36"}),
    CN_HA(511, "Henan", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-41"}),
    CN_GZ(512, "Guizhou", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-52"}),
    CN_GD(513, "Guangdong", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-44"}),
    CN_HB(514, "Hubei", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-42"}),
    CN_JL(515, "Jilin", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-22"}),
    CN_HE(516, "Hebei", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-13"}),
    CN_SN(517, "Shaanxi", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-61"}),
    CN_NM(518, "Nei Mongol", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-15"}, new String[]{"Inner Mongolia"}),
    CN_HL(519, "Heilongjiang", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-23"}),
    CN_HN(520, "Hunan", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-43"}),
    CN_GX(521, "Guangxi Zhuang", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-45"}),
    CN_SC(522, "Sichuan", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-51"}),
    CN_YN(523, "Yunnan", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-53"}),
    CN_XZ(524, "Xizang", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.TIBETAN, Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-54"}, new String[]{"Tibet"}),
    CN_GS(525, "Gansu", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-62"}),
    CN_QH(526, "Qinghai", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-63"}),
    CN_XJ(527, "Xinjiang Uyghur", new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.CHINESE, Alphabet.ROMAN}, CHN, new String[]{"CN-65"}),
    UMI(529, "United States Minor Outlying Islands", null, null, new String[]{"US-UM", "USA-UM", "JTN"}),
    CPT(530, "Clipperton Island"),
    AAA(532, "International", null, null, null, new String[]{"Worldwide", "Earth"});

    public static final Set<Territory> PARENT_TERRITORIES = Collections.unmodifiableSet(
            EnumSet.of(USA, IND, CAN, AUS, MEX, BRA, RUS, CHN, ATA));

    private final int number;
    private final String fullName;
    private final Territory parentTerritory;
    private final String[] aliases;
    private final String[] fullNameAliases;
    private final Alphabet[] alphabets;

     * Return the numeric territory code for a territory. Package private, because territory numbers are no longer
     * exposed publicly.
     * @return Integer territory code.
    int getNumber() {
        return number;

     * Return the full name of the territory.
     * @return Full name.
    public String getFullName() {
        return fullName;

     * Return aliases (if any) for a territory. If there are no aliases, the array is empty.
     * @return Aliases. Empty if no aliases exist.
    public String[] getAliases() {
        return aliases;

     * Return the parent territory.
     * @return Parent territory for this territory. Null if no parent territory exists.
    public Territory getParentTerritory() {
        return parentTerritory;

     * Return aliases (if any) for the full name of a territory. If there are no aliases, the array is empty.
     * @return Aliases. Empty if no aliases exist.
    public String[] getFullNameAliases() {
        return fullNameAliases;

     * Return the alphabets most commonly used in the territory, in order of importance.
     * @return Alphabets (never empty).
    public Alphabet[] getAlphabets() {
        return alphabets;

     * Return the territory for a specific code. Package private, because territory numbers are no longer exposed
     * publicly.
     * @param number Numeric territory code.
     * @return Territory.
     * @throws UnknownTerritoryException Thrown if incorrect numeric or alphanumeric code.
    static Territory fromNumber(final int number) throws UnknownTerritoryException {
        if ((number < 0) || (number >= CODE_LIST.size())) {
            throw new UnknownTerritoryException(number);
        return CODE_LIST.get(number);

     * Get a territory from a mapcode territory abbreviation (or a territory name). Note that the provided abbreviation is NOT an
     * ISO code: it's a mapcode prefix. As local mapcodes for subdivisions have been optimized to prefer to use 2-character
     * subdivisions codes in local codes, subdivisions are preferred over countries in this case.
     * For example, fromString("AS") returns {@link Territory#IN_AS} rather than {@link Territory#ASM} and
     * fromString("BR") returns {@link Territory#IN_BR} rather than {@link Territory#BRA}.
     * This behavior is intentional as local mapcodes are designed to be as short as possible. A mapcode within
     * the Indian state Bihar should therefore be able to specified as "BR 49.46M3" rather "IN-BR 49.46M3".
     * Brazilian mapcodes, on the other hand, would be specified as "BRA BDHP.JK39-1D", using the ISO 3 letter code.
     * @param alphaCode Territory name or alphanumeric code.
     * @return Territory.
     * @throws UnknownTerritoryException Thrown if incorrect numeric or alphanumeric code.
    public static Territory fromString(@Nonnull final String alphaCode) throws UnknownTerritoryException {
        checkNonnull("alphaCode", alphaCode);
        return createFromString(alphaCode, null);

     * Get a territory from a name, specifying a parent territory for disambiguation.
     * @param alphaCode       Territory, alphanumeric code. See {@link #fromString(String)}
     *                        for an explanation of the format for this name. (This is NOT strictly an ISO code!)
     * @param parentTerritory Parent territory.
     * @return Territory.
     * @throws UnknownTerritoryException Thrown if the territory is not found given the parentTerritory.
    public static Territory fromString(@Nonnull final String alphaCode,
                                       @Nonnull final Territory parentTerritory) throws UnknownTerritoryException {
        checkNonnull("alphaCode", alphaCode);
        checkNonnull("parentTerritory", parentTerritory);
        if (!PARENT_TERRITORIES.contains(parentTerritory)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter " + parentTerritory + " is not a parent territory");
        return createFromString(alphaCode, parentTerritory);

     * Create a Territory object from a valid ISO2 country code.
     * @param countryISO2 ISO 3166 country code, 2 characters.
     * @return Territory object for the country.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if the country code is not a valid ISO 3166 code, 2 characters.
    public static Territory fromCountryISO2(@Nonnull final String countryISO2) {
        return fromString(getCountryISO3FromISO2(countryISO2));

     * Return the ISO 3166 2 character country code for a ISO 3166 3 character code.
     * @param countryISO3 ISO 3166 country code, 3 characters.
     * @return ISO 3166 country code, 2 characters.
    public static String getCountryISO2FromISO3(@Nonnull final String countryISO3) {
        final String countryISO2 = MAP_ISO3_TO_ISO2.get(countryISO3.toUpperCase());
        if (countryISO2 == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter " + countryISO3 + " must be a valid ISO 3166 country code, 3 characters");
        return countryISO2;

     * Return the ISO 3166 3 character country code for a ISO 3166 2 character code.
     * @param countryISO2 ISO 3166 country code, 2 characters.
     * @return ISO 3166 country code, characters.
    public static String getCountryISO3FromISO2(@Nonnull final String countryISO2) {
        // Clipperton Island not recognized by Java - treat separately.
        if ("CP".equalsIgnoreCase(countryISO2)) {
            return "CPT";

        // Otherwise, use Java locales.
        final Locale locale = new Locale("", countryISO2);
        try {
            return locale.getISO3Country().toUpperCase();
        } catch (final MissingResourceException ignored) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter " + countryISO2 + " must be a valid ISO 3166 country code, 2 characters");

     * Create a Territory object from a valid ISO 3166 country code, 3 characters.
     * @param countryISO3 ISO 3166 country code, 3 characters.
     * @return Territory object for the country.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if the country code is not a valid ISO 3166 code, 3 characters.
    public static Territory fromCountryISO3(@Nonnull final String countryISO3) {
        if (!MAP_ISO3_TO_ISO2.containsKey(countryISO3.toUpperCase())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter " + countryISO3 + " must be a valid ISO 3166 country code, 3 characters");
        return fromString(countryISO3);

     * Return the international value of the territory name, with dashes rather than underscores.
     * This is the same as {@link #toAlphaCode(AlphaCodeFormat)} for {@link AlphaCodeFormat#INTERNATIONAL}.
     * @param alphabet Alphabet. May be null.
     * @return Territory name. Underscores have been replaced with dashes.
    public String toString(@Nullable final Alphabet alphabet) {
        return toAlphaCode(AlphaCodeFormat.INTERNATIONAL, alphabet);

     * Return the international value of the territory name, with dashes rather than underscores.
     * This is the same as {@link #toAlphaCode(AlphaCodeFormat)} for {@link AlphaCodeFormat#INTERNATIONAL}.
     * @return Territory name. Underscores have been replaced with dashes.
    public String toString() {
        return toString(null);

     * Enumeration that specifies the format for mapcodes.
    public enum AlphaCodeFormat {
        INTERNATIONAL,          // Same as name() with underscores replaces with dashes.
        MINIMAL_UNAMBIGUOUS,    // Minimal code, which is still unambiguous.
        MINIMAL                 // Minimal code, may be ambiguous, eg. RJ instead of IN-RJ.

     * Return the territory name, given a specific territory name format.
     * @param format   Format to be used.
     * @param alphabet Alphabet. May be null.
     * @return Mapcode.
    public String toAlphaCode(@Nonnull final AlphaCodeFormat format, @Nullable final Alphabet alphabet) {
        checkNonnull("format", format);
        String result = name().replace('_', '-');
        if (format != AlphaCodeFormat.INTERNATIONAL) {
            final int index = name().lastIndexOf('_');
            if (index != -1) {
                assert name().length() > (index + 1);
                final String shortName = name().substring(index + 1);
                if ((format == AlphaCodeFormat.MINIMAL) || (NAME_MAP.get(shortName).size() == 1)) {
                    result = shortName;
        if (alphabet != null) {
            try {
                result = Mapcode.convertStringToAlphabet(result, alphabet);
            } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ignored) {
                // Simply return result if translation to alphabet fails.
        return result;

    public String toAlphaCode(@Nonnull final AlphaCodeFormat format) {
        return toAlphaCode(format, null);

     * Returns if this territory is a subdivisions of another territory.
     * @return True if this territory has a parent territory.
    public boolean isSubdivision() {
        return parentTerritory != null;

     * Returns if this territory contains other territory subdivisions.
     * @return True if this territory contains other territory subdivisions.
    public boolean hasSubdivisions() {
        return PARENT_LIST.contains(this);

     * Private constructors to create a territory code.
    Territory(final int number,
              @Nonnull final String fullName) {
        this(number, fullName, null, null, null, null);

    Territory(final int number,
              @Nonnull final String fullName,
              @Nullable final Alphabet[] alphabets) {
        this(number, fullName, alphabets, null, null, null);

    Territory(final int number,
              @Nonnull final String fullName,
              @Nullable final Alphabet[] alphabets,
              @Nullable final Territory parentTerritory) {
        this(number, fullName, alphabets, parentTerritory, null, null);

    Territory(final int number,
              @Nonnull final String fullName,
              @Nullable final Alphabet[] alphabets,
              @Nullable final Territory parentTerritory,
              @Nullable final String[] aliases) {
        this(number, fullName, alphabets, parentTerritory, aliases, null);

    Territory(final int number,
              @Nonnull final String fullName,
              @Nullable final Alphabet[] alphabets,
              @Nullable final Territory parentTerritory,
              @Nullable final String[] aliases,
              @Nullable final String[] fullNameAliases) {
        assert number >= 0;
        this.number = number;
        this.fullName = fullName;
        this.alphabets = (alphabets == null) ? new Alphabet[]{Alphabet.ROMAN} : alphabets;
        this.parentTerritory = parentTerritory;
        this.aliases = (aliases == null) ? new String[]{} : aliases;
        this.fullNameAliases = (fullNameAliases == null) ? new String[]{} : fullNameAliases;

    // Keep a mapping from ISO3 to ISO2 codes. This map is used to make sure valid ISO3 codes are being used.
    private static final Map<String, String> MAP_ISO3_TO_ISO2;
    private static final List<Territory> CODE_LIST;
    private static final Map<String, List<Territory>> NAME_MAP;
    private static final List<Territory> PARENT_LIST;

    static {
        final String[] countries = Locale.getISOCountries();
        MAP_ISO3_TO_ISO2 = new HashMap<String, String>(countries.length);
        for (final String countryISO2 : countries) {
            final String countryISO3 = new Locale("", countryISO2).getISO3Country();
            MAP_ISO3_TO_ISO2.put(countryISO3.toUpperCase(), countryISO2.toUpperCase());

        // Add Clipperton Island (not recognized by Java).
        MAP_ISO3_TO_ISO2.put("CPT", "CP");

     * Static checking of the static data structures.
    static {
        final String errorPrefix = "Initializing error: ";
        CODE_LIST = new ArrayList<Territory>();
        NAME_MAP = new HashMap<String, List<Territory>>();
        PARENT_LIST = new ArrayList<Territory>();
        int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        final Set<Integer> territoryNumbers = new HashSet<Integer>();
        final Set<String> namesSet = new HashSet<String>();

        for (final Territory territory : Territory.values()) {
            final int territoryNumber = territory.getNumber();

            // Check if territory code is within range.
            if ((territoryNumber < 0) || (territoryNumber >= Territory.values().length)) {
                throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(errorPrefix + "territory number out of range: " + territoryNumber);


            // Check if territory code was already used.
            if (territoryNumbers.contains(territoryNumber)) {
                throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(errorPrefix + "non-unique territory number: " + territoryNumber);

            final int initialCodeListSize = CODE_LIST.size();
            for (int i = initialCodeListSize; i <= territory.number; i++) {
            CODE_LIST.set(territory.number, territory);
            if ((territory.parentTerritory != null) && !PARENT_LIST.contains(territory.parentTerritory)) {

            // Check if territory name is unique.
            if (namesSet.contains(territory.toString())) {
                throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(errorPrefix + "non-unique territory name: " + territory);
            addNameWithParentVariants(territory.toString(), territory);
            for (final String alias : territory.aliases) {

                // Check if alias is unique.
                if (namesSet.contains(alias)) {
                    throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(errorPrefix + "non-unique alias: " + alias);
                addNameWithParentVariants(alias, territory);

            // Check if fullname is unique. Skip special case where territory name == territory code (e.g. USA).
            if (namesSet.contains(territory.fullName.toUpperCase()) && !territory.toString().equals(territory.fullName.toUpperCase())) {
                throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(errorPrefix + "non-unique territory fullName: " + territory.fullName.toUpperCase());
            addNameWithParentVariants(territory.fullName.toUpperCase(), territory);
            for (final String fullNameAlias : territory.fullNameAliases) {

                // Check if fullname alias is unique.
                if (namesSet.contains(fullNameAlias.toUpperCase())) {
                    throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(errorPrefix + "non-unique territory fullName alias: " + fullNameAlias);
                addNameWithParentVariants(fullNameAlias.toUpperCase(), territory);
            min = Math.min(min, territory.number);
            max = Math.max(max, territory.number);
            assert territory.alphabets.length > 0;
        assert territoryNumbers.size() == Territory.values().length;

        // Check that territory has at least one alphabet.

        // Check for missing codes; minimum code must be 0, maximum code must be last code of enum.
        if (!((min == 0) && (max == (Territory.values().length - 1)))) {
            throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(errorPrefix + "incorrect min/max territory number: " + min + '/' + max);

     * Get a territory from a name, specifying a parent territory for disambiguation.
     * @param alphaCode       Territory, alphanumeric code.
     * @param parentTerritory Parent territory.
     * @return Territory.
     * @throws UnknownTerritoryException Thrown if the territory is not found.
    private static Territory createFromString(@Nonnull final String alphaCode,
                                              @Nullable final Territory parentTerritory) throws UnknownTerritoryException {

        // Replace '_' with '-', but leave spaces alone (may be part of the name).
        final String trimmed = Mapcode.convertStringToPlainAscii(
                alphaCode.trim().replace('_', '-')).toUpperCase();

        // Try as alpha code.
        final List<Territory> territories = NAME_MAP.get(trimmed);
        if (territories != null) {
            if (parentTerritory == null) {
                return territories.get(0);
            for (final Territory territory : territories) {
                if (territory.getParentTerritory() == parentTerritory) {
                    return territory;
        } else {

            // Check for a case such as "United States of America-IN".
            final int lastSeparator = Math.max(     // Find last separator.
                    trimmed.lastIndexOf('-'),       // Allow '-'.
                    trimmed.lastIndexOf(' '));      // And ' '.
            if (lastSeparator >= 0) {
                final String prefix = trimmed.substring(0, lastSeparator);
                final Territory parent = createFromString(prefix, parentTerritory);
                if (PARENT_TERRITORIES.contains(parent)) {
                    final String postfix = trimmed.substring(lastSeparator + 1);
                    final Territory child = createFromString(postfix, parentTerritory);
                    if (child.parentTerritory == parent) {
                        return child;
        throw new UnknownTerritoryException(trimmed);

     * Private helper method to add names for a territory.
     * @param name      Name to add.
     * @param territory Territory.
    private static void addNameWithParentVariants(@Nonnull final String name,
                                                  @Nonnull final Territory territory) {

        // Add the name as provided
        addNameWithSeperatorVariants(name, territory);

        if (name.contains("-")) {
            final String childTerritoryName = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('-') + 1);

            // Tolerate a child territory specified without the parent.
            // (e.g. "CA" rather than "US-CA")
            addName(childTerritoryName, territory);

            if (territory.parentTerritory != null) {

                // Add the variant using the primary parent name.
                String nameVariant = (territory.parentTerritory.toString() + '-') + childTerritoryName;
                if (!nameVariant.contentEquals(name)) {
                    addNameWithSeperatorVariants(nameVariant, territory);

                // Add each variant using the parent alias names.
                for (final String alias : territory.parentTerritory.aliases) {
                    nameVariant = alias + '-' + childTerritoryName;
                    if (!nameVariant.contentEquals(name)) {
                        addNameWithSeperatorVariants(nameVariant, territory);

    private static void addNameWithSeperatorVariants(@Nonnull final String name, @Nonnull final Territory territory) {
        addName(name, territory);

        // Tolerate a space character in place of a hyphen.
        // (e.g. "US CA" in addition to "US-CA")
        if (name.contains("-")) {
            addName(name.replace('-', ' '), territory);

    private static void addName(@Nonnull final String name, @Nonnull final Territory territory) {
        if (NAME_MAP.containsKey(name)) {
            final List<Territory> territories = NAME_MAP.get(name);

            // Add child territories in the order the parents are declared.
            // This results in consistent decoding of ambiguous territory names.
            final Territory newTerritoryParent = territory.getParentTerritory();
            if ((newTerritoryParent == null) && name.equals(territory.toString())) {

                // A primary identifier always takes priority.

            if (newTerritoryParent != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < territories.size(); i++) {

                    final Territory existingTerritoryParent = territories.get(i).getParentTerritory();
                    if ((existingTerritoryParent == null) && territories.get(i).toString().contentEquals(name)) {
                        // A primary identifier always takes priority.
                    if ((existingTerritoryParent == null) ||
                            (existingTerritoryParent.ordinal() > newTerritoryParent.ordinal())) {
                        territories.add(i, territory);
        } else {
            final ArrayList<Territory> arrayList = new ArrayList<Territory>();
            NAME_MAP.put(name, arrayList);