* Copyright (C) 2014-2017, Stichting Mapcode Foundation (http://www.mapcode.com)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.mapcode;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static com.mapcode.Boundary.createBoundaryForTerritoryRecord;
import static com.mapcode.Common.*;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Package private implementation class. For internal use within the Mapcode implementation only.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This class contains encoder for mapcodes.
@SuppressWarnings({"MagicNumber", "StringConcatenationMissingWhitespace"})
final class Encoder {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Encoder.class);
// Get direct access to data model singleton.
private static final DataModel DATA_MODEL = DataModel.getInstance();
private Encoder() {
// Prevent instantiation.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method called from public Java API.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
static List<Mapcode> encode(
final double latDeg,
final double lonDeg,
@Nullable final Territory territory,
final boolean limitToOneResult) {
return encode(latDeg, lonDeg, territory, limitToOneResult, null);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private methods.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
private final static char[] ENCODE_CHARS = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'F',
'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'A', 'E', 'U'};
private static List<Mapcode> encode(
final double argLatDeg,
final double argLonDeg,
@Nullable final Territory territory,
final boolean limitToOneResult,
@Nullable final Territory argStateOverride) {
LOG.trace("encode: latDeg={}, lonDeg={}, territory={}, limitToOneResult={}",
argLatDeg, argLonDeg, (territory == null) ? null : territory.name(), limitToOneResult);
final Point pointToEncode = Point.fromDeg(argLatDeg, argLonDeg);
final List<Mapcode> results = new ArrayList<Mapcode>();
int lastBaseSubTerritoryNumber = -1;
// Determine whether to walk through all records, or just for one (given) territory.
final int firstTerritoryRecord = (territory != null) ? territory.getNumber() : 0;
final int lastTerritoryRecord = (territory != null) ? territory.getNumber() : Territory.AAA.getNumber();
for (int territoryRecord = firstTerritoryRecord; territoryRecord <= lastTerritoryRecord; territoryRecord++) {
// Check if the point to encode is covered by the last data record.
final int firstSubTerritoryRecord = DATA_MODEL.getDataLastRecord(territoryRecord);
if (createBoundaryForTerritoryRecord(firstSubTerritoryRecord).containsPoint(pointToEncode)) {
final int lastSubTerritoryRecord = DATA_MODEL.getDataFirstRecord(territoryRecord);
final Territory currentEncodeTerritory = Territory.fromNumber(territoryRecord);
for (int subTerritoryRecord = lastSubTerritoryRecord; subTerritoryRecord <= firstSubTerritoryRecord; subTerritoryRecord++) {
// Check if the point to encode is contained within the boundary.
if (createBoundaryForTerritoryRecord(subTerritoryRecord).containsPoint(pointToEncode)) {
// All fine, proceed with creating a mapcode.
String mapcode = "";
if (Data.isNameless(subTerritoryRecord)) {
mapcode = encodeNameless(pointToEncode, subTerritoryRecord, lastSubTerritoryRecord);
} else if (Data.getTerritoryRecordType(subTerritoryRecord) > Data.TERRITORY_RECORD_TYPE_PIPE) {
mapcode = encodeAutoHeader(pointToEncode, subTerritoryRecord);
} else if ((subTerritoryRecord == firstSubTerritoryRecord) &&
(currentEncodeTerritory.getParentTerritory() != null)) {
results.addAll(encode(argLatDeg, argLonDeg, currentEncodeTerritory.getParentTerritory(),
limitToOneResult, currentEncodeTerritory));
} else if (!Data.isRestricted(subTerritoryRecord) || (lastBaseSubTerritoryNumber == lastSubTerritoryRecord)) {
if (Data.getCodex(subTerritoryRecord) < 54) {
mapcode = encodeGrid(subTerritoryRecord, pointToEncode);
} else {
// Skip this record.
// Check if we created a mapcode.
if (!mapcode.isEmpty()) {
assert mapcode.length() > 4;
mapcode = aeuPack(mapcode, false);
final Territory encodeTerritory = (argStateOverride != null) ?
argStateOverride : currentEncodeTerritory;
// Create new result.
final Mapcode newResult = new Mapcode(mapcode, encodeTerritory);
// The result should not be stored yet.
if (results.contains(newResult)) {
LOG.error("encode: Duplicate results found, newResult={}, results={} items",
newResult.getCodeWithTerritory(), results.size());
} else {
// Remove existing results (if there was a parent territory).
if (limitToOneResult) {
lastBaseSubTerritoryNumber = lastSubTerritoryRecord;
// Stop if we only need a single result anyway.
if (limitToOneResult) {
return results;
LOG.trace("encode: results={} items", results.size());
return results;
private static String encodeExtension(
final Point pointToEncode,
final int extrax4,
final int extray,
final int dividerx4,
final int dividery,
final int ydirection) {
int extraDigits = 8; // always generate 8 digits
double factorx = Point.MAX_PRECISION_FACTOR * dividerx4;
double factory = Point.MAX_PRECISION_FACTOR * dividery;
double valx = (Point.MAX_PRECISION_FACTOR * extrax4) + pointToEncode.getLonFraction();
double valy = (Point.MAX_PRECISION_FACTOR * extray) + (ydirection * pointToEncode.getLatFraction());
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while (true) {
factorx /= 30;
//noinspection NumericCastThatLosesPrecision
final int gx = (int) (valx / factorx);
factory /= 30;
//noinspection NumericCastThatLosesPrecision
final int gy = (int) (valy / factory);
sb.append(ENCODE_CHARS[((gy / 5) * 5) + (gx / 6)]);
if (extraDigits == 0) {
sb.append(ENCODE_CHARS[(((gy % 5) * 6) + (gx % 6))]);
if (extraDigits == 0) {
valx -= factorx * gx;
valy -= factory * gy;
return sb.toString();
private static String encodeGrid(
final int territoryNumber,
@Nonnull final Point pointToEncode) {
int codexm = Data.getCodex(territoryNumber);
final int orgcodex = codexm;
if (codexm == 21) {
codexm = 22;
} else if (codexm == 14) {
codexm = 23;
final int prelen = codexm / 10;
final int postlen = codexm % 10;
final int divx;
int divy = DATA_MODEL.getSmartDiv(territoryNumber);
if (divy == 1) {
divx = X_SIDE[prelen];
divy = Y_SIDE[prelen];
} else {
divx = NC[prelen] / divy;
final int minx = createBoundaryForTerritoryRecord(territoryNumber).getLonMicroDegMin();
final int miny = createBoundaryForTerritoryRecord(territoryNumber).getLatMicroDegMin();
final int maxx = createBoundaryForTerritoryRecord(territoryNumber).getLonMicroDegMax();
final int maxy = createBoundaryForTerritoryRecord(territoryNumber).getLatMicroDegMax();
final int ygridsize = (((maxy - miny) + divy) - 1) / divy;
int rely = pointToEncode.getLatMicroDeg() - miny;
rely = rely / ygridsize;
final int xgridsize = (((maxx - minx) + divx) - 1) / divx;
int x = pointToEncode.getLonMicroDeg();
int relx = x - minx;
if (relx < 0) {
x += Point.MICRO_DEG_360;
relx += Point.MICRO_DEG_360;
} else if (relx >= Point.MICRO_DEG_360) {
x -= Point.MICRO_DEG_360;
relx -= Point.MICRO_DEG_360;
if (relx < 0) {
return "";
relx = relx / xgridsize;
if ((relx >= divx) || (rely >= divy)) {
return "";
final int v;
if ((divx != divy) && (prelen > 2)) {
v = encodeSixWide(relx, rely, divx, divy);
} else {
v = ((relx * divy) + divy) - 1 - rely;
String result = encodeBase31(v, prelen);
if ((prelen == 4) && (divx == 961) && (divy == 961)) {
result = String.valueOf(result.charAt(0)) + result.charAt(2) + result.charAt(1) + result.charAt(3);
rely = miny + (rely * ygridsize);
relx = minx + (relx * xgridsize);
final int dividery = ((ygridsize + Y_SIDE[postlen]) - 1) / Y_SIDE[postlen];
final int dividerx = ((xgridsize + X_SIDE[postlen]) - 1) / X_SIDE[postlen];
result += '.';
int difx = x - relx;
int dify = pointToEncode.getLatMicroDeg() - rely;
final int extrax = difx % dividerx;
final int extray = dify % dividery;
difx = difx / dividerx;
dify = dify / dividery;
dify = Y_SIDE[postlen] - 1 - dify;
if (postlen == 3) {
result += encodeTriple(difx, dify);
} else {
String postfix = encodeBase31(((difx) * Y_SIDE[postlen]) + dify, postlen);
if (postlen == 4) {
postfix = String.valueOf(postfix.charAt(0)) + postfix.charAt(2) + postfix.charAt(1) + postfix.charAt(3);
result += postfix;
if (orgcodex == 14) {
result = result.charAt(0) + "." + result.charAt(1) + result.substring(3);
result += encodeExtension(pointToEncode, extrax << 2, extray, dividerx << 2, dividery, 1); // grid
return Data.headerLetter(territoryNumber) + result;
private static String encodeAutoHeader(
@Nonnull final Point pointToEncode,
final int territoryRecord) {
final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
final int codexm = Data.getCodex(territoryRecord);
int storageStart = 0;
// search back to first pipe star
int firstindex = territoryRecord;
while ((Data.getTerritoryRecordType(firstindex - 1) > Data.TERRITORY_RECORD_TYPE_PIPE) && (Data.getCodex(firstindex - 1) == codexm)) {
int i = firstindex;
while (true) {
final int maxx = createBoundaryForTerritoryRecord(i).getLonMicroDegMax();
final int maxy = createBoundaryForTerritoryRecord(i).getLatMicroDegMax();
final int minx = createBoundaryForTerritoryRecord(i).getLonMicroDegMin();
final int miny = createBoundaryForTerritoryRecord(i).getLatMicroDegMin();
int h = ((maxy - miny) + 89) / 90;
final int xdiv = xDivider(miny, maxy);
int w = ((((maxx - minx) * 4) + xdiv) - 1) / xdiv;
h = 176 * (((h + 176) - 1) / 176);
w = 168 * (((w + 168) - 1) / 168);
int product = (w / 168) * (h / 176) * 961 * 31;
if (Data.getTerritoryRecordType(i) == Data.TERRITORY_RECORD_TYPE_PLUS) // plus pipe
final int goodRounder = (codexm >= 23) ? (961 * 961 * 31) : (961 * 961);
product =
((((storageStart + product + goodRounder) - 1) / goodRounder) * goodRounder) - storageStart;
if (i == territoryRecord) {
final int dividerx = (((maxx - minx) + w) - 1) / w;
final int vx = (pointToEncode.getLonMicroDeg() - minx) / dividerx;
final int extrax = (pointToEncode.getLonMicroDeg() - minx) % dividerx;
final int dividery = (((maxy - miny) + h) - 1) / h;
int vy = (maxy - pointToEncode.getLatMicroDeg()) / dividery;
int extray = (maxy - pointToEncode.getLatMicroDeg()) % dividery;
int value = (vx / 168) * (h / 176);
if ((extray == 0) && (pointToEncode.getLatFraction() > 0)) {
extray += dividery;
value += (vy / 176);
final int codexlen = (codexm / 10) + (codexm % 10);
stringBuilder.append(encodeBase31((storageStart / (961 * 31)) + value, codexlen - 2));
stringBuilder.append(encodeTriple(vx % 168, vy % 176));
encodeExtension(pointToEncode, extrax << 2, extray, dividerx << 2, dividery, -1)); // AutoHeader
return stringBuilder.toString();
storageStart += product;
private static String encodeNameless(
@Nonnull final Point pointToEncode,
final int territoryRecord,
final int firstTerritoryRecord) {
// mid-level encode/decode
// returns "" in case of (argument) error
final int codexm = Data.getCodex(territoryRecord);
final int codexlen = (codexm / 10) + (codexm % 10);
final int firstNamelessRecord = getFirstNamelessRecord(codexm, territoryRecord, firstTerritoryRecord);
final int a = countCityCoordinatesForCountry(codexm, territoryRecord, firstTerritoryRecord);
final int p = 31 / a;
final int r = 31 % a;
final int nrX = territoryRecord - firstNamelessRecord;
int storage_offset;
if ((codexm != 21) && (a <= 31)) {
storage_offset = ((nrX * p) + ((nrX < r) ? nrX : r)) * (961 * 961);
} else if ((codexm != 21) && (a < 62)) {
if (nrX < (62 - a)) {
storage_offset = nrX * 961 * 961;
} else {
storage_offset = ((62 - a) + (((nrX - 62) + a) / 2)) * 961 * 961;
if (((nrX + a) & 1) != 0) {
storage_offset += 16 * 961 * 31;
} else {
final int basePower = (codexm == 21) ? (961 * 961) : (961 * 961 * 31);
int basePowerA = basePower / a;
if (a == 62) {
} else {
basePowerA = 961 * (basePowerA / 961);
storage_offset = nrX * basePowerA;
int side = DATA_MODEL.getSmartDiv(territoryRecord);
final int orgSide = side;
int xSide = side;
final int maxy = createBoundaryForTerritoryRecord(territoryRecord).getLatMicroDegMax();
final int minx = createBoundaryForTerritoryRecord(territoryRecord).getLonMicroDegMin();
final int miny = createBoundaryForTerritoryRecord(territoryRecord).getLatMicroDegMin();
final int dividerx4 = xDivider(miny, maxy);
final int xFracture = pointToEncode.getLonFraction() / 810000;
final int dminx = pointToEncode.getLonMicroDeg() - minx;
final int dx = ((4 * dminx) + xFracture) / dividerx4;
final int extrax4 = (4 * dminx) - (dx * dividerx4); // like modulus, but with floating point value
final int dividery = 90;
final int dmaxy = maxy - pointToEncode.getLatMicroDeg();
int dy = dmaxy / dividery;
int extray = dmaxy % dividery;
if ((extray == 0) && (pointToEncode.getLatFraction() > 0)) {
extray += dividery;
int v = storage_offset;
if (Data.isSpecialShape(territoryRecord)) {
xSide *= side;
side = 1 + ((maxy - miny) / 90);
xSide = xSide / side;
v += encodeSixWide(dx, side - 1 - dy, xSide, side);
} else {
v += (dx * side) + dy;
String result = encodeBase31(v, codexlen + 1);
if (codexlen == 3) {
result = result.substring(0, 2) + '.' + result.substring(2);
} else if (codexlen == 4) {
if ((codexm == 22) && (a < 62) && (orgSide == 961) && !Data.isSpecialShape(territoryRecord)) {
result = result.substring(0, 2) + result.charAt(3) + result.charAt(2) + result.charAt(4);
if (codexm == 13) {
result = result.substring(0, 2) + '.' + result.substring(2);
} else {
result = result.substring(0, 3) + '.' + result.substring(3);
result += encodeExtension(pointToEncode, extrax4, extray, dividerx4, dividery, -1); // for encodeNameless
return result;
static String aeuPack(
@Nonnull final String argStr,
final boolean argShort) {
// add vowels to prevent all-digit mapcodes
String str = argStr;
int dotpos = -9;
int rlen = str.length();
int d;
String rest = "";
for (d = 0; d < rlen; d++) {
if ((str.charAt(d) < '0') || (str.charAt(d) > '9')) // not digit?
if ((str.charAt(d) == '.') && (dotpos < 0)) // first dot?
dotpos = d;
} else if (str.charAt(d) == '-') {
rest = str.substring(d);
str = str.substring(0, d);
rlen = d;
} else {
return str; // not all-digit (or multiple dots)
if ((rlen - 2) > dotpos) {
// does r have a dot, AND at least 2 chars after the dot?
if (argShort) { // use A only
final int v = ((((int) str.charAt(0)) - 48) * 100) + ((((int) str.charAt(rlen - 2)) - 48) * 10) + (((int) str.charAt(rlen - 1)) - 48);
return 'A' + str.substring(1, rlen - 2) + ENCODE_CHARS[v / 32] + ENCODE_CHARS[v % 32] + rest;
} else { // use A, E and U
final int v = (((((int) str.charAt(rlen - 2)) - 48) * 10) + ((int) str.charAt(rlen - 1))) - 48;
str = str.substring(0, rlen - 2) + ENCODE_CHARS[31 + (v / 34)] + ENCODE_CHARS[v % 34];
return str + rest;
private static String encodeBase31(
final int argValue,
final int argNrChars) {
int value = argValue;
int nrChars = argNrChars;
final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
while (nrChars > 0) {
result.insert(0, ENCODE_CHARS[value % 31]);
value = value / 31;
return result.toString();
private static int encodeSixWide(
final int x,
final int y,
final int width,
final int height) {
final int d;
int col = x / 6;
final int maxcol = (width - 4) / 6;
if (col >= maxcol) {
col = maxcol;
d = width - (maxcol * 6);
} else {
d = 6;
return ((height * 6 * col) + ((height - 1 - y) * d) + x) - (col * 6);
private static String encodeTriple(
final int difx,
final int dify) {
if (dify < (4 * 34)) {
return ENCODE_CHARS[((difx / 28) + (6 * (dify / 34)))] + encodeBase31(((difx % 28) * 34) + (dify % 34), 2);
} else {
return ENCODE_CHARS[((difx / 24) + 24)] + encodeBase31((((difx % 24) * 40) + dify) - 136, 2);